Last week I took something of a risk. Combining videogame reviews, songs, comedy, radio-plays and a live audience in a small local theater was something of an unknown entity and certainly took me out of my comfort zone somewhat.
Happily, the little experiment seems to have paid off. Well, there was laughter and clapping at least and as you can see from the above the video recording also seemed to work pretty well too.
As mentioned in my post before the event, I had hired the theater to see what a live audience would make of some of the more unusual game reviews I have produced over the last few years. We had a near capacity crowd at The BikeShed theater as we drew back the curtain on reviews for Halo, Uncharted, Portal, Limbo, Tomb Raider, Mass Effect and Epic Mickey.
Aware that with the first show being in the UK many GeekDads wouldn’t be able to attend, I have captured proceedings on camera and I’m currently working through the footage to create a video of each performance. The above video offers the first taste of what the event was like, with snippets from the comedy, radio-play and sung reviews.
If this all still makes little sense to you, fear not. I’ll be expanding on quite why I spend so much time doing all this (apart from the fact it’s a lot of fun) in my “Sustainable Perspectives on Video Games” TEDx talk on April 20.
Hear more from Rebecca Mayes, Adam Moran and Chris Jarvis on these pages.
Andy is a father of three young children and produces the Family Gamer TV show and runs the Family Gamer Awards. He also runs the alternative videogame review community at Game People. All his GeekDad posts.
Follow @GeekDadGamer and @FamilyGamerTV on Twitter.